Polish pro-life leader sentenced for citing scientific research on homosexuality and pedophilia

Mariusz Dzierżawski, member of the board of the Polish Pro- Right to Life Foundation (Pro- Prawo do Życia), was sentenced by a final court judgment to one year of restriction of liberty and a payment of PLN 15,000 for organizing the "Stop pedophilia" social campaign, during which the Foundation's volunteers warned Poles about the results of scientific research pointing to the links between homosexuality and pedophilia. The aim of the "Stop pedophilia" campaign is to mobilize parents to be vigilant against LGBT activists and the push for sexual education in Polish schools.

Poland, as one of the last Western countries with a Catholic identity, is the subject of intense attacks from the radical left. Sex education is being introduced to schools in Polish cities. It is conducted in accordance with WHO guidelines, which require learning masturbation, expressing consent to sex and getting used to the homosexual lifestyle. In Poland, abortion is de facto available on demand on the basis of formal grounds that the mother’s mental health is at risk. Every year, tens of thousands of abortions are performed in Poland using illegal abortion pills. Sexual promiscuity and abortion are intensively promoted on the Internet among Polish children and teenagers who spend many hours a day in front of their smartphone screens.

The Pro-Right to Life Foundation (Pro-Prawo do Życia) is the organizer of the largest street social campaigns in Poland, during which the truth about the effects of abortion and LGBT sexual education is presented on posters, billboards and vans. This way, the Foundation independently reaches the awareness of Poles, because the mainstream media favors the radical left, social media delete posts and limit reach, and most Catholic media in Poland are afraid to tell the truth and spread politically incorrect content. In recent years, millions of Poles have seen posters, billboards and vans depicting abortion victims and the goals of LGBT ideology, which the Foundation presents in public space. On their way to work, to study or for a walk, millions of Poles are exposed to a clear and independent message – abortion is murder and sexual education is sexual violence against children. This is why, despite the huge offensive of the left, many Poles are still opposed to abortion and LGBT – because the truth is exposed in the public space, which is no longer possible in many Western countries.

Therefore, radical left activists decided to destroy the Foundation.

Terror against the Foundation’s volunteers has been increasing for several years. During street actions, volunteers are attacked, assaulted and beaten by radical left activists and people raised up by left-wing media to violence and hatred. Three Foundation vans were burned on city streets by left-wing activists, which posed a huge safety threat to bystanders. Hundreds of comments are published on the Internet calling for the murder of Foundation volunteers and burning more Foundation cars. There was a threat to carry out a terrorist bomb attack on the Foundation’s office.

The Foundation did not give up, so LGBT and abortion activists decided to bring legal repression against the Foundation.

Currently, over 130 court cases are pending against the Foundation’s volunteers throughout Poland at the same time. Most cases are brought by police officers who support the left or carry out the orders of the local administration. The most common accusation is „causing scandal in a public place” by presenting photos of abortion victims and the principles of sexual education. Many lawsuits were also brought by abortion and LGBT activists, accusing the Foundation of „defamation”.

In one of such cases, on January 17, 2024, the founder of the Foundation, Mariusz Dzierżawski, was sentenced to one year of restriction of liberty by performing forced community service for 20 hours a month and to pay a fine of PLN 15,000.

An indictment against Dzierżawski was brought to court by one of the LGBT lobby organizations, accusing the Foundation of defamation. The accusation included, among others, that during the “Stop pedophilia” campaign the Foundation publicly discloses the results of scientific research indicating that pedophilia is a more common phenomenon in the homosexual community. The court of second instance agreed with the opinion of LGBT activists and the judgment of the court of first instance and stated that such statements defame and slander people with „homosexual orientation”, exposing them to humiliation in the eyes of public opinion, which may make it difficult for them to organize „educational activities” among children.

As Mariusz Dzierżawski said after hearing the verdict:

„This is simply the terror of the radical homo-left that blocks telling the truth. The court’s verdict is absurd. In my activities, I referred to publicly available statistics and official research results that were published in the media, studies and books. But as it turns out, saying the same thing in the street is already defamation. The truth has become „wrong” knowledge, and it may soon be illegal to make it public at all.”

This is not the first such verdict against the Foundation’s volunteers. A year ago, a court in city of Szczecin sentenced Jan Bienias, the driver of the Foundation’s anti-pedophile van. The van drove around the city as part of the „Stop Pedophilia” campaign, informing about the links between homosexuality and pedophilia. Jan Bienias was sentenced to a fine of PLN 30,000 (approximately USD 7,500) for allegedly defaming LGBT activists in this way. Jan Bienias was sentenced shortly after the information became public that the leader of LGBT structures in Szczecin was imprisoned for pedophilia. A local LGBT activist molested a 13-year-old boy.

As Mariusz Dzierżawski comments:

“There is a number of scientific studies indicating a disproportionately high percentage of pedophiles among homosexuals. Representatives of the LGBT community have repeatedly openly expressed their positive attitude towards sex with children. Some LGBT activists worked to legalize pedophilia. The organizers of Poland’s largest LGBT „gay pride” parade publicly boasted that the participant and promoter of the „parade” in the past was a politician who demanded the legalization of pedophilia. The former spokesman of this „gay pride” parade called himself a pedophile and that he did not agree to the ban on talking about the so-called „positive pedophilia”. New recordings showing LGBT activists exposing themselves in front of children and performing erotic dances in front of them are constantly circulating on social media. The independent media report further detentions of LGBT activists who headed large pedophile groups that sexually abused children and produced child pornography. We have heard shocking reports of verdicts against homosexual pedophiles who bought children from surrogate mothers only to rape them. Such shocking examples can be multiplied for a long time, but LGBT activists and the courts supporting them not only pretend that such situations do not occur, but also threaten anyone who reminds about it in public space, because duplicating such information arouses parents’ vigilance and makes it difficult for perverts to access to children.”

In Mariusz Dzierżawski’s opinion, the persecution of pro-life volunteers and all people defending life and family will intensify:

“Despite the repression, we must continue to fight and resist. The key to victory is to shape society’s awareness, awaken the conscience and mobilize people to act in defense of children.”

Pro-Right to Life Foundation (Pro-Prawo do Życia) announces the organization of further nationwide, independent social campaigns in order to reach millions of people with the truth about abortion and LGBT.

Pro-Right to Life Foundation (Fundacja Pro-Prawo do Życia) | stronazycia.pl
źródło: PCH24

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