list mailDlaczegoby nie rozciągnąć waszych dobroczynnych wysiłków na tych z nas, którzy są najbardziej bezradni? Nie możemy mieć nadziei na zbudowanie lepszego świata jeśli sami nie możemy znieść niedogodności dla większego dobra innych. - to kilka zdań z proponowanego przez nas maila do WHO, która przygotowała szkic raportu, w którym domaga się od rządów aborcji na życzenie. Zaprotestuj już dziś!

list mailDlaczegoby nie rozciągnąć waszych dobroczynnych wysiłków na tych z nas, którzy są najbardziej bezradni? Nie możemy mieć nadziei na zbudowanie lepszego świata jeśli sami nie możemy znieść niedogodności dla większego dobra innych. – to kilka zdań z proponowanego przez nas maila do WHO, która przygotowała szkic raportu, w którym domaga się od rządów aborcji na życzenie. Zaprotestuj już dziś!

Maila wyślij na adres:

W tytule wpisz: Comments on draft health report

Proponowana treść maila:

To All Whom it Concerns at the World Health Organization:

In the recent draft: „Report of the Global Thematic Consultation on Health”, which sets out your institution’s goals and wishes for the less fortunate in the world, I was dismayed to find both questionable moral elements in the report and suspect organizations providing input in the commentaries on the report.

The report calls for a decrease in infant mortality. Why is this compassion denied to the unborn child? With no proof against the fetus’s personhood, the draft states that women who simply don’t wish to be tethered by a large family, should be able to sever the tie. This selective sympathy bleeds into the other areas you wish to mend.

You desire contraception for all women who want it? Shall this be the more effective pill that causes blood clots and occasionally aneurisms, or will it be the pill marketed in general, (which itself is known to occasionally cause spontaneous abortions in the women taking it)?

You desire for women’s dignity to be elevated. Yet, a girl is more likely to die from a gender-based abortion than a boy. This very problem in India and China has also shown that a shortage in women is not only injurious demographically, but also serves to promote abductions, prostitution, and other forms of sexual slavery.

More disturbing than the statements in the draft are the comments of organizations such as „Marie Stopes International” and IPAS. While there is a nearly unanimous call for greater access to abortion amongst the commentators, the former organization actually provides them, while the latter has thwarted Poland’s attempts to further protect unborn children through its legislation. Isn’t it possible that politics supersedes compassion in their opinions regarding the report?

I’m asking you all to stand for life wholly and without reservation. Your report constantly descries discrimination of persons on any basis. Why not extend your charitable endeavors to include the most helpless of all of us? We cannot hope to build a better world, unless we can inconvenience ourselves for the greater good of others. The ancillary rights of post-born men, women, and children will never be secure if we cannot even honor the fundamental right to life, even for those in the womb.


Imię i Nazwisko


Protesty można wysylać do dnia 19 lutego 2013r.

Szkic Raportu, przygotowanego przez WHO znajdziesz tu: SZKIC RAPORTU

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